Friday, January 27, 2012

My Brain Off The Internet And The result of Road Hogs

January was a very productive month. It's only the 27th of January and I already have completed 10 paintings mostly miniatures but a few large ones also. Earlier this week our internet went out for a WHOLE day lol, and this is what I came up with to keep my mind busy "Stick Figure 1"

It almost looks like I was trying to get a satelite signal or something with this piece.

A few days before I was in the car with my daughter and witnessed so many Road Hogs and people cutting other driver's off and came up with this painting called "Road Hog" which I eventually painted the next day.

A few weeks ago I was on a potato head binge! I did 5 in all! It was almost like an addiction and had to stop myself after the 5th dose. Here was the outcome:There are 2 misfit potato heads,sweet potato,cowboy potato head and Tater Tots.

Thanks for taking a look into my world! There were a few more which are on my website at

1 comment:

  1. Estou impressionada pela sua arte, infelizmente não
    tenho recursos para comprar, mas gostaria de ajuda-la no que for possível.
    Se você permitir poderia postar suas imagens em meus sites para ajuda-la a divulgar.
    Estou seguindo este blog e aguardo uma resposta.
    Meu site:
